Innovations in Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Innovations in Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to publishing innovative research in the fields of pharmacognosy and pharmaceutical...... Read More
ISSN: 2692-4757
Open Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics
Open Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics is a peer reviewed journal, which is a part of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Journal aims to provide a better platform to foster research and...... Read More
ISSN: 2640-7760
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Developmental Research
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Developmental Research provide an unrestricted access to information in the field of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences by covering wide and...... Read More
Peertechz Publications Inc. involved in publishing Open Access Science and medicine related journals. The company is run by a team of dedicated editors, reviewers and authors. We also operate from Hyderabad, India. Over the years, Peertechz has evolved into one of forerunners in the publishing industry . We continue to lead through the visions of technology, medical sciences and innovation.
Why to publish with Peertechz?
At present, we have more than 100 scholarly journals that contain high-quality original research papers, case reports and other manuscripts. We promote scientific research with the help of a stringent Peer-Review process. The Editorial Board oversees the stringent multi-level Peer-Review process including evaluating submissions, selecting reviewers and assessing their comments and making editorial decisions.
We strongly foster the open-access policy and offer unrestricted access to published manuscripts, reproduction and distribution of the manuscripts in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
We are dedicated to offer researchers a broad range of services and are well known for providing relatively rapid online publication in an efficient and effective manner. Through our diverse family of journals Peertechz meets the information needs of scientists in the fields of biomedical, medical, pharmaceutical, and engineering, technology, chemical sciences, physical sciences, management, earth sciences, social and computer sciences.
Our Vision
Peertechz wishes to establish a future trend for growth in science, medicine and technology with the help of scholarly manuscripts. We wish to promote Open Access publishing to facilitate research available on the public domain free-of-cost and to permit reading or downloading such information for any lawful purpose.
Our Mission
Our mission to publish, discuss and analyze invaluable research, applications and expert opinions in science, medicine and technology. We aim to bring important scientific works to a wide international audience and therefore only publish original papers with strong and analytical messages that advance our understanding of scientific principles within these disciplines.